To Unknown
Washington Feby 2. 1827
Dear Sir
I yesterday recd a letter from Major Lewis, in which he states, that on the 24 Oct. 1798, Genl Washington paid you $250, being the amount of five shares towards building a hotel for Wm Tunnicliff in this City, which (as appears by the Generals diary or Cash Account) you were to have secured— The Major understands that the hotel was Surrendered by T. to the subscribers, & is the building in which Congress sat after the burning of the Capitol. He supposes that the General's estate must have some interest in that building, and refers me to you or Mr Carrol for information. Will you have the goodness to enlighten me, as far as you can, on this subject? I am dear Sir very respectfully yr mo. ob. Servt
Bush. Washington
at Mrs Rapines boarding house N.J. avenue
ALS, NjMoHP. The letterhas no address note.