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To Caleb P. Wayne

Dear Sir

    I recd a letter from chief Justice Marshall dated the 12th Ulto which I have been prevented by sickness from sooner attending to— The following extract was intended for your inspection. "I have reflected a good deal on the subject of the Life, and have come to the Conclusion to seperate the introduction from the other volumes & to publish a small edition of it at my own risk, if I may be permitted to do so by Mr Wayne & yourself without being charged with the copy right. As it is considered rather as an encumbrance on the residue of the work, I presume there will be no objection to this. If I may be permitted to do so, I will thank you to enquire of Mr Small on what terms I can get 500 or 1000 Copies printed & in boards, & on what terms bound in the usual way." "If I seperate the introduction, the Life will consist of 3 volumes."

    As the proposition to print the Introduction seperate from the rest of the work is connected with, & in a great degree; I presume, dependent upon Mr Smalls agrument to print the three volumes, I shall not write to him on the subject, but must ask the favor of you to call on Mr Small & communicate to him the above extract, and in case you can make a contract for the printing of the three volumes, you will then write to Mr Marshall, & inform him of Smalls answer to the proposition for printing the introduction seperate & at his risk. I mention writing at once to Mr Marshall as I shall shortly leave home to spend the time between this and my Journey to Phila. over the mountains.

    I must again remind you of the 5 volumes of the Life due to me, which I am anxious to get without further delay, having ago promised them to five of my nephews. Please deliver them to Mr David Caldwell. I am Dear Sir very sincerely & respectfully yr mo. ob. Servt

Bush. Washington

P.S. as to <mutilated> Consent to publish the Introduction without any charge for the Copy right, which Mr Marshall asks, I shall grant mine without hesitation & presume you will do the same.

Source Note

ALS, NjMoHP. BW addressed the letter to "C. P. Wayne Esqr. Philadelphia." The cover is postmarked in Alexandria, Va. on 5 August.